A touch of Grails: cache invalidation

In a recent post I introduced a caching strategy. One difficulty with caching is always when and where do I need to invalidate the cache contents.

In a recent post I introduced a caching strategy. One difficulty with caching is always when and where do I need to invalidate the cache contents. One of the easiest things to do is to use timestamped cache keys like id-lastUpdated. But what if you cache another related domain object under the same key. One option would be to include its timestamp in the key, too. Another one is to touch the timestamped object.

class A {
  Long id
  Date lastUpdated

class B {
  A a
  def beforeUpdate = {
    a.lastUpdated = new Date()

So you would need this touch in beforeUpdate, afterInsert and beforeDelete. This can get pretty cumbersome. What if I could just declare that I want to touch another object when this object changes like

class A {
  Long id
  Date lastUpdated

class B {
  static touch = ['a']

  A a

For this we just need to listen to the GORM persistence events.

class TouchPersistenceListener extends AbstractPersistenceEventListener {

  public TouchPersistenceListener(final Datastore datastore) {

  protected void onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent event) {

  public void touch(def domain) {
    MetaProperty touch = domain.metaClass.hasProperty(domain, 'touch')
    if (touch != null) {
      Date now = new Date()
      def listOfPropertiesToTouch = touch.getProperty(domain)
      listOfPropertiesToTouch.each { propertyName ->
        if (domain."$propertyName" == null) {
        if (domain."$propertyName" instanceof Collection) {
          domain."$propertyName".findAll {it}*.lastUpdated = now
        } else {
          domain."$propertyName".lastUpdated = now

  boolean supportsEventType(Class eventType) {
    return [PreInsertEvent, PostInsertEvent, PreUpdateEvent].contains(eventType)

One caveat here is that all persistence events are fired by hibernate during a flush. Especially the delete event caused problems like objects which have a session but you cannot load lazy loaded associations. This is a known hibernate bug and is fixed is 4.01 but Grails uses an older version. So we just decorate the save and delete methods of our domain classes and register our listener for the other events.

class BootStrap {
  def grailsApplication

  def init = { servletContext ->
    def ctx = grailsApplication.mainContext
    ctx.getBeansOfType(Datastore).values().each { Datastore d ->
      def touchListener = new TouchPersistenceListener(d)
      ctx.addApplicationListener touchListener

  private void decorateWith(TouchPersistenceListener touchListener) {
    grailsApplication.domainClasses.each { GrailsClass clazz ->
      if (clazz.hasProperty('touch')) {
        def oldSave = clazz.metaClass.pickMethod('save', [Map] as Class[])
        def oldDelete = clazz.metaClass.pickMethod('delete', [Map] as Class[])
        clazz.metaClass.save = { params ->
          oldSave.invoke(delegate, [params] as Object[])
        clazz.metaClass.delete = { params ->
          oldDelete.invoke(delegate, [params] as Object[])

Now we can just declare that changing this object touches another one it also works with 1:n or m:n associations. We don’t have to worry where to invalidate the cache in our code just annotate every object used in the cache with touch if it has an association to our object used in the key or include it in the key. Changing those objects invalidates the cache automatically.

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