Prettier failures using Swing TaskDialog

An introduction to the Swing TaskDialog project, a fine little gem to spice up your (java swing) dialogs. Includes a real usage example.

The standard way to present graphical user interfaces (GUI) on a desktop machine in java is to use Swing. It’s a very flexible API with a steep learning curve and some oddities (e.g. EDT handling is cumbersome at least), beginning to show some age. There were several attempts to take the Swing experience to a new level, including the marvellous book “Filthy Rich Clients” by Chet Haase (we miss you in the Java camp!) and Romain Guy. So Swing isn’t dead or dying, it’s just getting old.

A pain point of Swing

One thing always bothered me with Swing: It is relatively easy to present a basic message or input dialog. But to add slightly more complexity to a dialog suddenly means substantially more effort. Dialogs don’t scale in Swing. If you ever “designed” an error dialog for your end user, presenting the essence of an exception that just occurred, you already know what I’m talking about. I have to make a confession: Our exception/error dialogs were nearly as nasty as the exception itself. But nobody wants to fail nasty.

Swing TaskDialog to the rescue

At late february this year, Eugene Ryzhikov published his Swing TaskDialog project on his blog. His release pace has been a new version once a week since then. So I’m writing on a moving target.

The TaskDialog project provides basic message, progress and input dialogs based on the operating system’s “User Experience Guidelines”. The visual content is very appealing as a result. But the project doesn’t stop here. The programming API is very understandable and to the point. You don’t have to hassle with big concepts to use it, just look at the examples and start from there.

It was a matter of minutes to replace our old, nasty error dialog with a much prettier one using TaskDialog. Here are two screenshots of it in action, with the detail section retracted (initial state) and flipped open.

Of course, this is only the Windows version of the dialog. You should head over to the TaskDialog examples page to get an idea how this might look on a Mac. This is a dialog that’s pretty enough to not scare the user away by sheer uglyness. The code for this dialog is something like:

TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog("Error during process execution");
 dialog.setInstruction("An error occurred during the execution of process 'DemoProcess':");

 Exception exception = new Exception("Because it's just a demo");
 StringBuilder detailMessage = new StringBuilder();
 for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : exception.getStackTrace()) {
 dialog.setText("Error message: <b>" + exception.getMessage() + "</b>\n\n<i>This incident was traced and logged.</i>");
 new JLabel(Strings.toHtml(detailMessage.toString())));

 JLabel waitLabel = new JLabel(Strings.toHtml("<i>This dialog closes automatically in 26s</i>"));

Notice the usage of Strings.toHtml() to convert plain Strings to HTML-rendered rich text elements.

Timed dialogs

If you look at the presented information, you’ll notice it’s just a demo presenting a fake exception. But you’ll notice another thing, too: This dialog is about to close itself automatically soon. This is a speciality of our project: The GUI runs unattended by users for long periods of time. If you encounter an error every ten minutes and an user returns to the screen after a week, the system isn’t accessable without closing a million dialogs first. You might argue why a system error lasts for a week, but that’s a reality in this project we cannot change. So we came up with timed dialogs that go away on their own after a while. The information of the dialog is persisted in the log files that get evaluated periodically.

The TaskDialog API provides easy integration for a GUI widget to be included in the dialog. In our timed dialog use case, it’s a JLabel, as highlighted in the code example at lines 16 and 17. A background thread periodically updates the text and closes the dialog when time runs out. But you’ll find examples with progress bars and other components on Eugene’s blog.


The Swing TaskDialog project is a fine little gem to spice up your application. It’s API is simple, yet powerful and has proven customizable to our special use case. Finally, effort for basic dialogs in Swing scales again.

6 thoughts on “Prettier failures using Swing TaskDialog”

  1. I agree.. this is a great library. One note: TaskDialogs.showException( Exception ex ). You can show an exception with one line of code.

    1. Yes, thanks for the one-liner! Should have made that clearer. Our use case (and the amount of information that needed to be presented) was set before, so we made a custom exception dialog.

  2. Thanks for kind words… Did not expect to see the whole article about my small library.
    Have a few suggestions for you:
    1. Exception trace can be long and should be shown using JTextArea wrapped into JScrollPane.
    2. There is a better way to get stack trace as a string without a loop.
    Check out the implementation of the TaskDialogs.showException method for the example of how to to all of that.

    1. Hi Eugene,
      in the comment section of your second part on TaskDialog, you wanted to know how we are using it – this is when I drafted this article. Promoting your project is the least I can do when using it for profit. It’s a fine piece of functionality. Even our customers mentioned the improvement in style.
      And thank you for the suggestions, I will incorporate them.

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